I was SUPER excited that this was on the list of futuristic depictions of 2019. Since we discussed Blade Runner last time, this post naturally must follow. This is because Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys was lightly inspired by Blade Runner (for more on that, check out this good Billboard article). So, what does Danger Days say about 2019 and does it align with the 2019 depicted in Blade Runner? Let's take a look at a few of the songs.

Anyone who knows me or who has read this blog is familiar with my etherial struggle to appreciate Blade Runner. While I am not going to delve too deeply into that, I am going to push past any of those preconceived notions of inferiority in an attempt to appreciate and understand this highly-beloved film for what it is rather than what it is not. Rather than review this film, I am going to deep-dive into one of the things that really interested me during my rewatch last weekend: the neo-noir aesthetic and how that depiction of 2019 is significant to the progression of the plot.
Note: I have not seen Blade Runner 2049. If any of my thoughts/opinions either contradict or are answered in the 2017 sequel, I guess I'll find out later.