Space Camp: Day 3
Saturday, February 20, 2016The third and final day of the Adult Space Academy at the US Space Camp in Huntsville was a fun half day of eating star shaped breakfast foods, launching rockets, and saying goodbye to new friends. It's a transitional period of leaving the make-believe world where we're kids pretending to be astronauts and entering the real world again. Here's that happened:
Originally posted on May 28th 2015 on Tumblr
Day three was the last (and the shortest) day of Space Camp. It was mostly a day to get us all set and ready to go back into the regular world.
Getting our rockets while waiting before breakfast |
Like the rest of the days we woke up early and rushed to get ready and out to breakfast on time. Breakfast started at 8 AM.
The final Space Camp meal |
Panorama – walking to launch our rockets |
Homer Hickam field of lost rockets |
Just really proud of my rocket |
The last time I saw my rocket :( |
Next we were supposed to have the “space bowl” which I guess is a trivia game but the whole group decided to skip this activity so we could go pack and get ready to leave before graduation. after packing and everything we all met up near the graduation room and hung around while a different space camp group (i think it was the family group that we started with) was in there.
Saying goodbye to our room |
Panorama – waiting for graduation |
Graduation was short and sweet. We all got a certificate of graduation and they gave out an award to one of our team members for being “the right stuff.” it was nice. overall I think the whole thing was about ten minutes long. And then we were done. honestly it all felt anticlimactic. but i was still hyped so tiffany and i went to the gift shop to waste away the remainder of our money. I think I bought a ton of mission patches and stickers.
Space Camp alum proof after 16 years of waiting |
Thats for going to Space Camp with me, Tiff. Oh and that's Will our trainer he's cool. |
A few more space camp pictures:
To watch a video of my third day at Adult Space Camp watch my video on YouTube!
My Space Camp Experience:
Day 1- blog post // video
Day 2- blog post // video
Day 3- blog post // video