2017 Science Fiction Reading Challenge

Monday, December 26, 2016

I always see book challenges floating around the internet and they're always super great. As a fan of classic science fiction, I've been looking for an excuse to try and read more modern science fiction. This science fiction reading challenge is perfect because it plans for just one book per month and covers a wide variety of topics within the sci-fi genre. I'm super excited to get started. It might be useful to plan out the 12 books you plan on reading this year or even pick each book as you go!

12 Science-Fiction Books in 2017

  • A classic book
  • A self-published book
  • Published this year
  • Going to be a movie this year
  • An unread sci-fi book from your collection 
  • Recommended by a friend (feel free to ask me!)
  • A long (more than 500 pg) book
  • A short story
  • A book involving time travel
  • A dystopian novel
  • Young Adult Sci-fi
  • Set on another planet

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